Should I Buy A House With An East Facing Garden?

Home Should I Buy A House With An East Facing Garden?
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31 May 2024

England certainly isn't as hot and bright as some countries. However, you would have noticed how hot it can get, and having direct sunlight beaming on your property only makes it harder to cool down.

That's why when buying a house you need to consider the pros and cons of buying a house with an East facing garden.

In this insight, we tackle the question, should I buy a house with a East facing garden?

Key Takeaways

  • An east-facing garden welcomes the day with gentle morning sunlight, creating a tranquil haven.
  • Ideal for early risers, it's perfect for morning activities like gardening or enjoying a quiet breakfast.
  • East-facing gardens provide shade in the hot afternoons, potentially reducing energy costs.
  • While they may not command high prices like south-facing gardens in some markets, their unique charm lies in peaceful mornings and cooler outdoor experiences.

Should I Buy A House With An East Facing Garden?

Choosing a home with an east-facing garden can be great if you like morning sunlight and want a cool spot in the afternoons and evenings. It's all about what suits your lifestyle and what you enjoy. 

An east-facing garden gets the morning sunlight, perfect for early birds and breakfast lovers. The front of the house gets the sun in the morning, giving a nice start to your day.

If you prefer a cooler outdoor space later in the day, an east-facing garden might be just right for you. While it may not have the warm evening sun, it offers a calm and comfy place as the day goes on.

Deciding on a house with an east-facing garden depends on what you like. If you enjoy mornings and a more comfortable outdoor experience later in the day, an east-facing garden could be the perfect fit for you.

east facing garden

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East-facing gardens bring their own unique qualities to gardening and outdoor living. Here are some important things to think about:

Sunlight Exposure

Unlike west-facing gardens that get afternoon and evening sunlight, an east-facing garden gets the morning sun. This makes it perfect for those who love a bright start to the day. If you're someone who works during the day and wants to unwind in the garden after work, an east-facing garden might be just what you're looking for.

Plant Selection

The direction your garden faces affects the kinds of plants that will thrive there. In an east-facing garden, you'll want to pick plants that do well in the morning sun. Think about flowers, vegetables, and herbs that love a good dose of sunlight to grow and bloom.

Outdoor Living

If you enjoy spending time in your garden, an east-facing one offers a cool and pleasant space in the afternoon and evening. While you might not get the warmth of the setting sun, you can create cozy spots for relaxing, have outdoor dinners, or simply enjoy the peacefulness of your garden during the later part of the day.

Energy Efficiency Considerations

In homes, having an east-facing garden can impact energy efficiency differently. While it may not lead to overheating rooms during the summer, it can offer a gentle warming effect in the winter when the sun is lower in the sky. This can be a natural way to add warmth to your home during colder months without relying solely on heating systems.

Garden Design

The orientation of a garden can influence its design. Gardeners may choose to create features like pergolas or trellises to provide shade during the hottest part of the day and to enhance the garden's aesthetics. These design elements can also be used to grow climbing plants, which can provide additional shade.

Living with an East Facing Garden

If you use your garden for outdoor living and entertaining, an east-facing garden offers a cool and inviting space, especially in the morning and early afternoon. While it might not provide the warm glow of a sunset, there are still plenty of ways to make the most of your outdoor space.

Morning Serenity Start your day with the calming atmosphere of a morning garden. An east-facing garden allows you to enjoy breakfast in the gentle sunlight or create a peaceful spot for morning activities. It's a refreshing way to kickstart your day.

Cozy Evenings While you might miss out on the warmth of the setting sun, an east-facing garden remains comfortable in the later part of the day.

Create cosy seating areas, enjoy evening dinners, or simply unwind in the calm ambience of your garden as the day winds down.

What Is An East Facing Garden?

An east-facing garden is simply a garden that faces east. The direction your garden faces matters because it affects how much sunlight it gets throughout the day, which is an important consideration when buying a house.

Figuring out the direction of your garden is quite straightforward. You can use a compass or a compass app on your phone, stand against your house wall, and point towards the bottom of your garden.

The compass will show you the direction your garden faces. Alternatively, you can use Google Maps, enter the property address you're interested in, go to street view, and determine the direction of the garden from there.

When Does An East Facing Garden Get Sun?

An east-facing garden gets sunlight in the morning, starting from sunrise until around midday.

This is because the sun rises in the east and moves across the sky. During the sunnier months, you may experience sunlight even earlier, as the sun is higher.

However, it's essential to consider factors like nearby trees or neighbouring houses that might cast shadows and affect the overall sunlight exposure in your garden.

Additionally, in the winter months, the amount of sunlight an east-facing garden receives may be less compared to other seasons.

Pros and Cons of An East Facing Garden

Pros of an East Facing Garden:
  • Morning Sunlight: East-facing gardens receive the gentle morning sunlight, providing a bright and refreshing start to the day.

  • Cooler Afternoons: In the afternoons and evenings, an east-facing garden tends to be cooler, offering a comfortable outdoor environment.

  • Ideal for Breakfast: If you enjoy breakfast outdoors, an east-facing garden is perfect for morning activities and early meals.

  • Energy Efficiency in Summer: During the summer, the morning sun may not excessively heat up your home, potentially reducing the need for air conditioning.

  • Serenity: The orientation may create a peaceful and calming atmosphere, especially during the quieter mornings.

Cons of an East Facing Garden:
  • Limited Evening Sun: If you prefer the warmth of the evening sun or outdoor activities in the late afternoon, an east-facing garden may not provide that setting.

  • Plant Selection: Some plants that require more sunlight may not thrive as well in an east-facing garden compared to gardens with more prolonged sunlight exposure.

  • Less Desirable for Evening Entertaining: If you enjoy outdoor gatherings and entertaining in the evening, an east-facing garden might not be as well-lit or warm as a west-facing garden.

  • Winter Sun Exposure: In the winter months, the reduced angle of the sun may result in less sunlight reaching the garden compared to other seasons.

  • Potential for Cooler Temperatures: The cooler afternoon and evening temperatures might be a drawback if you prefer a warmer outdoor experience later in the day.

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Is An East Facing Garden Better Than a West Facing Garden?

The choice between an east-facing and west-facing garden boils down to personal preferences. An east-facing garden offers serene mornings, ideal for early risers and energy efficiency in warmer months. However, it may lack the warmth of the evening sun, limiting outdoor activities later in the day.

Conversely, a west-facing garden bathes in afternoon and evening sunlight, perfect for evening gatherings and warmth. Yet, it may lead to warmer indoor temperatures in summer.

Final Thoughts on East Facing Gardens

Opting for a house with an east-facing garden presents its own set of considerations. The tranquil mornings and cooler afternoons can create a refreshing outdoor atmosphere, ideal for early activities and energy-efficient living.

While it may lack the warmth of the evening sun and certain plants may require more attention, an east-facing garden caters to those who cherish a calm start to the day.


Stuart is an expert in Property, Money, Banking & Finance, having worked in retail and investment banking for 10+ years before founding Sunny Avenue. Stuart has spent his career studying finance. He holds qualifications in financial studies, mortgage advice & practice, banking operations, dealing & financial markets, derivatives, securities & investments.

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